Council Extends Closure of Addison Conference Centre

Fri 6/11/21
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In March 2020 the Addison Conference Centre closed temporarily due to the local, state and federal guidance related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The closure was extended through Fiscal Year 2021 as a result of the negative impact the pandemic has had on Hotel Fund revenue (which funds the Addison Conference Centre).

In preparation for Fiscal Year 2022, staff prepared an overview of the Addison Conference Centre's past operations and financials and a comparison to similar municipal facilities for the City Council. Special Events Director Jasmine Lee presented several options for how to proceed with the Addison Conference Centre, including operational aspects and potential impacts on the Hotel Fund, at the June 8 Council Meeting. Since the Town's Hotel Occupancy tax revenue is still recovering from the pandemic, staff recommended and Council approved extending the temporary closure of the facility through September 30, 2022. Although there will be no rentals or public use of the facility, it will continue to be used for special events and internal meetings.

You can watch Council's Conference Centre discussion here and review the presentation here.