Addison Airport Operations, Management, and Real Estate Functions to be In-Sourced

Sat 9/12/20
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In January 2020, the Council made the decision to in-source Addison Airport’s operations, management, and financial management to the Town. They also decided to hire Landrum & Brown (L&B) to negotiate a new agreement for real estate services at the airport with new terms and conditions.
At the September 8 meeting, staff shared with the City Council that together with L&B they had analyzed various management structure scenarios and determined that bringing the asset and real estate management-related functions in house would have a positive impact on reducing the airport’s costs by eliminating the need for a management fee and incentive bonus. This move would also provide stronger institutional knowledge within the Town and less risk of disruption to the real estate services. 
The in-sourcing of all the operations, management, and real estate functions at the airport reduces the annual cost of the management and operations by $550,862.90. The FY2021 Budget that Council adopted on September 8 incorporated the recommendations to make all of the current Addison Airport team employees of the Town of Addison effective October 1.