Addison Airport Receives AIP Grant for Airport Master Plan

Mon 7/31/23
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The City Council authorized acceptance of an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Grant offer from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Aviation Division in the total amount of $1,050,000 at its July 25 meeting. The funds, which include an airport sponsor matching share of 10% (equal to $105,000), will be used to conduct an Airport Master Plan (AMP) update for Addison Airport.

An AMP is used to guide the development of an airport, including planning for grant-funded infrastructure improvements. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires airports that receive federal funding to maintain a current AMP. Addison Airport's most recent AMP update was approved in July 2016. The airport has experienced rapid redevelopment since 2016, which surpassed the pace of development denoted in the 2016 AMP, necessitating an AMP update.

The project will begin with consultant selection. Selection will be made by a committee composed of Town of Addison staff with the guidance of TxDOT Aviation. The AMP update is generally expected to take 18 to 24 months to complete.