Quarterly Addison Airport Report

Fri 8/12/22
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At the August 9 City Council Meeting, Addison Airport Director Joel Jenkinson gave Council an overview of key Airport performance measures for the third quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, which ended on June 30, 2022. The report presents data on revenue, fuel flowage, and aircraft operations (take-offs and landings) including international operations. It also includes a snapshot of the Airport's real estate portfolio.

Highlights from the third quarter include:

  • Total operations, instrument (IFR) operations, fuel flowage, fuel flowage fee revenue, real estate revenue, and total revenue are all up by double-digit percentages in FY22 Q3 compared with FY21 Q3
  • Since it opened on February 14, 2022, the new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) facility has cleared 296 arriving aircraft through June 30 (a period of four and a half months). For the full year FY21, CBP cleared 506 international arrivals at Addison, a record number. Three quarters through FY22, CBP has cleared 550 international arrivals.
  • At the June 28 meeting, City Council approved four new ground lease projects, adding to on ongoing redevelopment boom at the airport.
  • The grant-funded runway and taxiway pavement preservation and runway re-designation project was substantially completed as of July 18 (when the final paint markings were applied to the pavements). The runway designation officially changed from 15-33 to 16-34 on March 24, 2022.
  • A kickoff meeting for the Taxiway Bravo extensions design was held on August 11, 2022. The design project includes a preliminary engineering report (PER) for the extension of Taxiway Bravo to a full-length parallel taxiway and full design for phase 1 construction.
  • Taxiway Bravo phase 1 construction is funded with a FY22 Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant; the project is anticipated to be bid in early 2023, with construction to follow. Phase 1 includes connecting Taxiway Bravo to the runway at the south end, extending Taxiway Bravo north from Taxiway Foxtrot at least to Taxiway Golf, and construction of a vehicle service road on the west side of Taxiway Bravo.

You can watch the Council's Airport discussion here and read the presentation here.