U.S. Customs/Airport Offices Building Completed Within Budget

Tue 2/1/22
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At its January 25 meeting, the City Council approved the final change order to the contract with JC Commerical, Inc. for the construction of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Airport Administrative facility at Addison Airport. The change order, which totaled $222,681.13, included various costs related to unforeseen site conditions, changes requested by Town staff, and changes requested by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection staff. The final contract price for the construction of the building and parking lot was $6,628,028.80, representing an increase of 6.1% over the original contract price of $6,223,949. The total project budget - including building construction, airside construction, construction management, construction testing, and furniture - was $9,009,967 and included a total project contingency of 7.2%. The current estimated final total project cost is $8,871,170.03, leaving a remaining project contingency of $138,796.97.
While the project came in slightly under budget, it took nearly a year longer than anticipated to complete due to COVID and supply chain issues. The Airport's U.S. Customs official moved into the new offices this week and will officially be ready to welcome flights in the new facility on Tuesday, February 1. You can watch a timelapse video of the construction here.
A grand opening event is being planned and details will be announced at a later date.