Judge Dwight, Judge Callaway, and Judge Dulaney Reappointed

Mon 11/2/20
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Judge Dwight, Callaway and Dulaney
At its October 27 meeting, the City Council reappointed Judge Larry Dwight as the Presiding Municipal Judge and Judge Cass Callaway and Judge Danielle Dulaney as Alternate Municipal Judges. Addison judges are appointed to two-year terms and the current term for all three judges expires on December 31, 2020. The judges received their evaluation by the City Council during an executive session at the October 13 Council meeting
Judge Larry Dwight has served as a Municipal Court Judge for the past thirty-four years, specifically serving as a Presiding Judge for the last 15 terms. Judge Cass Callaway and Judge Danielle Dulaney are finishing their first two-year term. Thank you to Judge Dwight, Judge Callaway, and Judge Dulaney for their continued service to the Addison community.