The Census is Coming!

Fri 3/13/20
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Addison Census

The Census is an official count or survey of every person living in the United States. This data determines the federal funding and local planning decisions, including where to provide additional social services, build new roads, schools, and where to locate job-training centers. For every person that is undercounted during the 2020 Census, each city in Dallas County could potentially lose more than $15,000 in federal funding per person during a 10-year timeframe.

By working together, we can ensure that our region receives the resources we need from the federal government for our schools, hospitals, roads, and a host of other social services.

U.S. Census Bureau invitations to respond to the 2020 Census questionnaire will be delivered between March 12 - 20. Once you receive the invitation, you can respond by mail, telephone, or online at

Completing the Census is easy, safe, and important. We strongly encourage you to join us and respond to the census. For additional information, you can visit our website at