City Council Schedules Two Meetings for November 18

Thu 11/14/19
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Council has scheduled a special meeting at 5:45pm on November 18 at the Addison Conference Centre to canvass the results of the November bond election. It will be immediately followed by a joint work session of the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission to review and discuss Part One of the revised Unified Development Code (UDC) draft. The agendas for both meetings are posted here.

Part One of the UDC draft introduces the proposed updates to the lineup of zoning districts, including dimensional standards (building setbacks, height standards, lot coverage, etc.), and land uses allowed by right or by review in each district.

The goal of Part One is to:

  • Create a more user-friendly code. The new reformatted and reorganized UDC will be much more user-friendly than the current regulations;
  • Fine-tune the zoning districts. The draft presents a revised lineup of zoning districts, based on the recommendations in the Assessment Report and additional discussions with staff;
  • Reorganize and strengthen the regulations. This draft also includes a new table of allowed land uses and use-specific standards that directly addresses issues raised during the assessment.

The community can review the UDC draft and provide comments through the website at