Council Adopts Ordinance to Comply with House Bill 3167

Tue 8/27/19
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House Bill 3167, which became effective on September 1, 2019, prescribes the process by which municipalities and counties must review and act on plats. Under the provisions of the Bill, cities must act to either approve, approve with conditions, or deny a plat within 30 days of receiving a complete submittal. If approved conditionally or if denied, the Town must provide either the conditions or specific reasons for denial in writing. This is already the Town's current process and should not have any effect on the Town's review.

The Bill also states that the applicant requesting the plat has an unlimited amount of time to respond to the conditions or reasons for denial. Once they resubmit a plat that addresses any outstanding issues, the Town must act within 15 days. Since the Planning and Zoning Commission reviews plats and only meets once a month, this means that the Town may need to call special P&Z meetings to consider plats in order to comply with this new timeline.

Council approved an ordinance at its August 27 meeting that directs Staff to process plats in accordance with the timelines and processes established in House Bill 3167. As Town staff continues the Unified Development Code update, it will amend the Town's subdivision regulations to mirror the Bill's requirements as well.

You can watch the Council discussion on House Bill 3167 here.