Council Approves Large Mural at Vitruvian Park

Thu 4/25/19
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Large Mural

Vitruvian West I is the first of three multi-family apartment buildings being constructed at the northeast corner of Marsh Lane and Vitruvian Way. The development’s parking garage is almost entirely wrapped by the apartment units and is only visible at the entrance. A portion of the southern garage façade is exposed, faces Vitruvian Way, and is adjacent to the main leasing office.

At its April 25 meeting, Council approved a meritorious exception to Addison's sign ordinance that will allow the property owner to paint a 57 foot tall by 39 foot wide mural on the exposed side of garage. The public art piece, which depicts certain elements of life in the Vitruvian Park neighborhood, will only be visible from Vitruvian Way.

You can watch Council's discussion on the Vitruvian mural here.