Council Discusses Addison Circle Special Area Study and Next Steps

Tue 1/14/20
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In February of 2019, the City Council formally adopted a vision and guiding principles for the properties adjacent to the Silver Line (Cotton Belt) Regional Rail Line. Following Council's adoption of the vision and guiding principles, Staff presented the vision to the Urban Land Institute at the organization's Fall Conference in Washington DC during a panel advisory session and, locally, to the ULI Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Product Council, a group of local development professionals focused on TOD-type development. Both groups shared feedback regarding the plan and staff passed that feedback on to Council at its January 14 Work Session. Staff also shared the next steps for the project, which include selecting a real estate broker, soliciting developers, and selecting a developer for Council consideration.

You can watch the Council's Addison Circle discussion here and read the presentation here.