Council Discusses Options to Recognize and Honor Former City Manager Ron Whitehead and Former Director of Development Services Carmen Moran

Fri 11/22/19
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Vitruvian Park

In July 2018, Council discussed options for recognizing and honoring former City Manager Ron Whitehead and former Director of Development Services Carmen Moran for their service to the Town of Addison. Council directed staff to make recommendations on how best to honor Mr. Whitehead and Mrs. Moran in Addison Circle and Vitruvian Park. After listening to Council’s discussion, staff shared several options for Council to discuss at its November 21 work session. All options that were presented adhere to the Town's Naming and Recognition policy that was adopted by Council in November 2017.

To recognize Mr. Whitehead, Council gave staff direction to move forward with dedicating the plaza at Addison Circle Park and to recognize Mrs. Moran, staff was directed to move forward with renaming the Vitruvian Park amphitheater in her honor and adding engraving to the existing granite medallion, as well as installing a plaque on the adjacent concrete wall.

Council will consider formal action on this item at a future meeting.

Additional history on the Town's Naming and Recognition Policy was added to the presentation shared with Council on November 21 after the agenda was posted. You can read the final presentation here.