Council Receives Midway Road Reconstruction Update

Tue 4/28/20
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In 2012, Addison voters approved $16 million in General Obligation bonds for the reconstruction of Midway Road from Spring Valley Road to Trinity Mills Road. In November 2018, the City Council directed the City Manager to proceed with the issuance of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $25 million to completely fund the project. The 2012 bond program did not include the replacement of the utilities under the roadway or the increase in scope to accommodate the new Master Transportation Plan elements that are included as part of the current plan.

Council gave notice of their intention to issue $15 million in Certificates of Obligation in July 2019. Dallas County has recently awarded Addison a $2.7 million grant dedicated to building a trail that will connect to the trail adjacent to the Silver Line.

At the April 28 City Council Meeting, Director of Public Works and Engineering Shannon Hicks shared t hat his team investigated the possibility of using Archer Western Herzog (AWH), DART's contractor who is designing and building the Silver Line Rail Project, as the construction contractor for the reconstruction of Midway Road. The estimate submitted by AWH was not in line with Addison’s Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Cost (OPC) or DART’s independent review. Addison staff i nitiated a validation process on the items with the largest disparities which were mobilization, paving, and paving removal. This internal review resulted in an increased estimated construction cost from Engineers OPC of $26.6 million to $28.5 million.

Staff recommended to Council that Addison bid the project later in 2020 after the businesses have returned to work using a competitive sealed bid process. Staff also discussed recommendations for managing the construction of the project. The three-year long project is currently anticipated to begin in early 2021.

You can watch the Council's Midway Road discussion here (Item #3, begins at 23:29) and read the presentation here.