June 9 City Council Meeting To Be Virtual

Fri 6/5/20
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The Addison City Council will hold its June 9 Council Meeting by video conferencing. The meeting, which will begin at 6pm, will still be live streamed on the Town's website and its PEG channels (channel 99 for AT&T subscribers, channel 16 for Spectrum subscribers). The meeting agenda can be found here.

The city was able to forego the requirement that public meetings be held in a physical space because of a recent order from Governor Greg Abbott that suspended a portion of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

Opportunities for public comment will still take place at the beginning of meeting. Members of the public who would like to participate remotely can:

  • Call this toll-free dial-in number: 877-853-5247; 
  • Enter Meeting ID: 409 327 0683#, and
  • Select # when prompted to enter a participant ID. 

Once in the meeting, visitors will be recognized by Council during the public comment time. Please remember that normal rules for public comment apply so please state your name and address before beginning your comments. You will be allowed three minutes to speak and Council isn't permitted to respond during this time.

You can also email comments to the City Secretary at iparker@addisontx.gov by 3pm on the day of the meeting.

Please note that if you are viewing a meeting via a live streaming process, there will be a delay in the video since video takes time to transmit over the Internet to your device.