Salvation Army Recognizes Council's Efforts in Red Kettle Campaign

Mon 2/19/24
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Salvation Army Red Kettle Recognition

Salvation Army Commanding Officers, Majors Mario and Lola Maldonado attended the February 13 City Council Meeting to publicly thank the Council Members who participated in the 2023 Red Kettle Challenge. Mayor Bruce Arfsten, Mayor Pro Tempore Eileen Resnik (and her husband Neil Resnik), Deputy Mayor Pro Tempore Guillermo Quintanilla, and Council Members Nancy Craig, Darren Gardner, and Dan Liscio were outside the Kroger on Belt Line Road on December 9 ringing the bell as part of the Mayors Red Kettle Challenge. Because of the generosity of the community, the team was able to raise a total of $818 both through donations on the day of the event and online. Those contributions will help provide support for the Salvation Army’s commitment to provide hope and help to neighbors in need 365 days a year.

You can watch the presentation here.