Economic Development Team Pays Visit to Basis Technologies

Mon 3/25/19
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woman on the left and man on the right holding a flyer together and smiling for picture

Director of Economic Development Orlando Campos and Economic Development Manager Wilson Kerr visited Basis Technologies on Monday, March 25. The Addison team met with Executive Vice President of Global Field Operations Matt Thomas, and Client Executive with Basis Technologies Monica Mongaras. Last year, the growing company relocated their North American headquarters to Addison from Vancouver, Canada. They chose Addison over other locations such as Silicon Valley, Chicago, and Austin because of our region’s technology talent.

Basis develops automation technology that massively reduces the time and effort needed to execute SAP change and testing. Their software is the only complete DevOps and testing platform engineered specifically for SAP. Customers include P&G, Accenture, Ralph Lauren, Electrolux, Honda and many others. With global headquarters in London, the company also maintains offices in Australia, Hungary, and Germany. They are very pleased with their location in Addison and look forward to getting more involved in the community.