Phase II Facilities Utilization Study Includes Three Options

Mon 4/3/23
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At its March 28 meeting, the City Council discussed the results of the Phase II Facilities Utilization Study for Addison's municipal buildings. In April 2020, Council was presented the results of Phase I of a study evaluating the Conference and Theatre Centre, Finance building, Central Fire Station, Fire Station 2, Police and Courts building, Service Center, and Town Hall. During that 2020 presentation, Council asked staff to continue the study in a second phase that would include financial analysis and a strategy for each facility.

Along with the findings of the Phase II study, the project consultant presented three possible options for the Council to consider:

  1. Renovating existing facilities
  2. Building three new facilities and repurposing others
  3. Continuing to maintain existing facilities

Council plans to further discuss these options at future meetings. You can watch Council's Facility Utilization Study discussion hereread the presentation here, and review the Phase II Facilities Utilization Study here.