Council Approves Contract for Optical Cameras

Mon 5/3/21
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In 2018, Addison installed seven optical cameras in strategic locations in area parks. Following a year-long pilot program, Council directed staff to move forward with the expansion of the pilot program. At its April 27 meeting, the City Council approved a $1,102,648 contract with STS360 for an optical camera replacement / expansion network that includes the installation of a total of 281 cameras - 111 cameras at new locations and 170 cameras to replace the existing camera systems at the Town’s facilities. The existing cameras were installed almost eight years ago and are budgeted to be replaced in the Fiscal Year 2021 Information Technology Replacement Fund.

The new locations were selected to complement the existing Optical Camera network:

  1. Addison Circle Park 
  2. Spruill Park
  3. Celestial Park 
  4. Community Garden 
  5. Les Lacs Linear Park 
  6. White Rock Creek Trail 
  7. Beltway Trail (Future location) 
  8. Town Park 
  9. Dog Run by Town Park 
  10. Vitruvian Park Bridge 
  11. Vitruvian Park Amphitheater 
  12. Redding Trail Dog Park 
  13. Addison Grove 
  14. Addison Airport  
  15. Winnwood Park 
  16. Bosque Park 
  17. Oaks North Neighborhood
  18. Quorum Park 

This project is anticipated to take six months to complete.