Infrastructure and Development Services Shares 5-Year Street Maintenance Plan

Fri 5/3/19
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In a continuing goal to implement the maintenance, repairs, and replacements that were included in the recently completed condition assessment for the Asset Management Plan, staff has developed the Infrastructure and Development Services Streets Division 5-Year Maintenance Plan for repair and maintenance of the Town's streets, sidewalks, curb ramps, and storm water inlets. Infrastructure and Development Services Director Lisa Pyles presented the plan to Council at its April 25 meeting.

In years 2020 to 2024, maintenance and repair activities are assumed based on an annual amount of $230,000 in the Streets Division budget. The actual maintenance and repair activities will be dependent on the allocation of funds and any unforeseen and unanticipated repairs that may be needed. The planned activities in any given year may change if a bond election is held that includes reconstruction of streets that are listed in each year. The plan will then be updated each year to reflect those changes.

You can watch Council's discussion on the 5-Year Street Maintenance Plan here and review the presentation here.