"It's Magic Time" Chronicles the History of the Addison Centre Theatre

Fri 2/15/19
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city manager wes pierson and janet keating

On Thursday, February 15, Janet Keating dropped by Town Hall to deliver her hot-off-the-press book on early theatre in Addison called It's Magic Time 1976 - 1995. Ms. Keating is a retired teacher who was very involved with Addison for 19 years as an Addison Centre Theatre (ACT) charter member, an actor in the first play, and a member of the ACT Board of Directors, serving as president from 1984-86. In 1987, she was asked by the Board to become the ACT Historian. It's Magic Time is a compilation of newspaper articles, director notes, and playbills that chronicle the rise of theatre in Addison. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please contact marketing@addisontx.gov.