Addison Firefighters Participate in Fitness Pilot Study

Wed 2/13/19
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Last fall, Addison-based REACT Neuro-Rehab invited the Addison Fire Department to participate in a pilot study designed to increase fitness and on-the-job readiness while preventing injuries. Two days a week, firefighters head over to the REACT gym on Beltway Drive after their shift ends to participate in a training program specially designed for them.

REACT is an adaptive fitness and recovery center where certified strength coaches, therapists, and researchers work together to apply advances in neuroscience and strength training. Many of the center's members suffer from spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, or other neurological impairments.
Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator Ryan Bachik has applied the principles his team uses to train the nervous system in his spinal cord patients to train first responders. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a tactical conditioning program that can be replicated in police and fire departments across the country.

You can learn more in this recent Dallas Morning News story.