Council Approves Contract for Design Services for Belt Line 1.5 Beautification Project

Fri 4/19/19
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On February 20, 2019 Council approved a resolution adopting the Belt Line 1.5 Beautification Master Plan. During that meeting, staff presented the anticipated budget of $2,127,022 and asked Council to provide direction on a scope for the project. Council direction was to move forward with the production of construction documents for six bus shelters, one gateway monument, enhanced intersections, enhanced medians, retaining walls, sidewalk addition, and removal and replacement of existing pavers.

 At its April 9 meeting, Council approved a contract with Pacheco Koch for $223,000 for design development, development of the construction documents, bidding services, and construction administration for the Belt Line 1.5 project. Additionally, staff has requested the consultant create a district monument design that will expand on the design of the gateway monument, creating a family of signs to respond to future development along the corridor.

The timeline for the project will be as follows:
Design through Construction Documents:  23 Weeks
Bidding: 4 Weeks
Construction: 20 Weeks
Total: 47 Weeks

There is some easement acquisition that will be required before construction on the project can begin and will happen in tandem with the creation of construction documents. This anticipated schedule does not include any delays that might occur due to the easement acquisition process.