Council Approves Contract for Police Records Management System

Tue 1/8/19
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At the Tuesday, January 8 Council Meeting, Council approved a $488,000 contract with Mark43 for the procurement and implementation of a new Police Records Management System (RMS).  

An RMS provides for the creation, storage, retrieval, and viewing of information, records, documents, and files pertaining to law enforcement operations such as incident and accident reports, arrests, citations, warrants, case management, and field contacts. The Town's existing RMS was purchased from TIBURON and IBM in 1999 and updated in 2009. 

Addison and Carrollton determined that it would be more operationally efficient to partner in the acquisition of a new RMS system that will integrate and interface with the existing systems provided by the North Texas Emergency Communication Center (NTECC). The partnership also resulted in a cost savings for both municipalities.

This project is being funded through the remaining Consolidated Dispatch Bond Funds approved by voters in 2012.