Council Rejects Construction Bids for Airport Customs Facility

Wed 2/13/19
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customs building rendering

On December 11 2018, Council approved the issuance of $7 million in Certificates of Obligation for the construction of new Customs and Airport offices at 4545 Jimmy Doolittle Drive on Addison Airport. The bid for the construction of the two-story building that will also house the Airport Administration offices was posted on December 3, 2018 and closed on January 10, 2019. Even though 27 contractors attended the pre-bid meeting, the Town only received three bids.

One of the bidders was disqualified because their pricing proposal was incomplete. The bids from the remaining qualified bidders far exceeded the architect's cost estimate for the items that were included in this bid. At the February 7 Council Meeting, the Town rejected those bids and will rebid the project later this month.

Staff has contacted several contractors who did not bid and they shared that the timing of the bid, which fell during the holidays, prevented them for participating.

You can watch the Council discussion here.