Survey Says . . . 94% of Addison Residents Think Addison is a Great Place to Live

Fri 1/18/19
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 In April 2018, Addison engaged ETC Institute to complete a citizen satisfaction survey, the first the Town has done in 10 years. The goal of the survey was to assess resident satisfaction with the delivery of major services and to help determine priorities for the community as part of the Town’s ongoing planning process. The survey was sent by mail and Internet to a random sample of 3,000 residents, 407 of whom responded. The survey results have a confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of +/- 4.8%.

ETC Senior Project Manager Jason Morado delivered the Citizen Survey Results to Council at a work session on January 8. Some of the highlights of the survey include:

  • 94% of Addison residents are satisfied or very satisfied with the Town as a place to live.
  • 86% of residents were satisfied or very satisfied with the customer service received from Town employees, which rated 41% above the U.S. average and 44% above the Texas average.
  • 90% are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of the Town's parks and recreation programs and facilities.
  • 94% of Addison residents are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of Police, Fire, and EMS services, and 96% of residents feel safe or very safe in their neighborhoods during the day.
  • Addison rated above the U.S. average and the Texas average in 56 of the 57 areas that were compared. The only area where the Town fell below both state and national averages was in the category of "Addison as a place to raise children."
  • Resident satisfaction with the overall quality of Town services rated 30% above the U.S. average and 32% above the Texas average.
  • The most important services that residents would like the Town to focus on over the next two years are traffic flow and congestion management and overall maintenance of Town streets.

You can watch the Council's Citizen Survey discussion here or read the Citizen Survey presentation here