Council Approves Contract for Dredging and De-silting of Farmers Branch Creek

Fri 4/19/19
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At its April 9 Meeting, Council approved a $1.2 million contract with Energy Resources, Inc. for the dredging and de-silting of Farmers Branch Creek. Construction on the Vitruvian Park reservoir area was completed in 2011, and since that time a considerable amount of silt and sediment has built up in the creek. This sediment must now be removed to restore the storage capacity of the reservoirs. De-silting the reservoirs will also improve the overall health and ecosystem of the pond and enhance the aesthetics.

The project scope includes removing approximately 5,000 cubic yards of silt, hauling off the material dredged from the reservoirs, and restoring the affected areas. The plan calls for using a hydraulic dredging method where water-filled sediment is sucked up from the pond bottom through a vacuum-like device. The sediment will be put in large drying bags that will be placed in temporary construction easements on the banks of the ponds until the material dries enough to be removed. The hydraulic dredging method should have minimal on impact on fish/wildlife.

There are no plans to lower water levels or dam the flow of water down the creek in anyway so there should be no water stoppage. Work is expected to take four months to complete upon approval of all required submittals and issuance of the notice to proceed.