George Bush Elementary School Appreciation Breakfast

Tue 8/13/19
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george bush elementary school appreciation breakfast

On Tuesday, August 13, the Metrocrest Chamber of Commerce held an appreciation breakfast for the teachers and administrators at George Bush Elementary School, the only public school located within the Town of Addison. Abilene Christian University hosted the event at their Addison campus at 16633 Dallas Parkway. Director of Economic Development and Tourism Orlando Campos and Abilene Christian University Director of Partner Engagement and Recruitment Cris Manning shared their personal stories on the educators who shaped the way they are today, and Metrocrest Services Chief Executive Officer Tracy Eubanks also shared resources available for students and their families. Mayor Pro Tempore Tom Braun and Council Member Ivan Hughes were joined by numerous Town of Addison staff to show their support for these educators as they begin their new school year.