Peaceful Demonstration Held in Addison Circle Park

Thu 6/4/20
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peaceful demonstration in Addison

Approximately 500 people took part in a peaceful demonstration at Addison Circle Park on Thursday, June 4. The protesters marched from the park south on Addison Road and west on Arapaho Road. They made a U-turn at Surveyor Boulevard and returned to the park following the same route.

While this was not a Town-sanctioned event, protest organizers did coordinate with the Addison Police Department (APD) which allowed APD to take measures to ensure the safety of the Addison community. The Town of Addison supports citizens in their right to peacefully assemble and the outcome of this event demonstrates the ability of people to protest in a manner that respects the community around them.

Thank you to our partners in Farmers Branch, Carrollton, and Coppell for lending their support to ensure the safety of the protesters, the officers, and the community.