Council Selects Whitt Wyatt as New City Attorney

Sun 8/29/21
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The City Council selected Whitt Wyatt of the firm Wood & Banowsky PLLC to serve as Addison's City Attorney at its August 24 meeting. The City Attorney position is a Council appointment and serves as the legal advisor of, and attorney and counsel for, the Town and all its officers and departments. 
On March 9, the Council directed staff to issue a Request for Qualifications for Legal Services. Since the end of May, Council has been reviewing submittals and interviewing respondents.
Brenda McDonald of Messer, Fort, McDonald, who has served as Addison's City Attorney since 2015, submitted her resignation effective August 13. We would like to thank Brenda and her team for their tireless efforts in providing legal counsel to the Town for more than six years. The Town is grateful for their caring service and their commitment to professionalism.