Council Approves Grants to Non-Profit Organizations

Mon 10/31/22
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Each fiscal year, the City Council allocates funding for non-profit organizations that provide services to the Addison community. Interested organizations are given an opportunity to submit a request for funds during the budget process and make presentations to Council. Town Staff also reviews all applicable financials and verifies the organization is in good standing with both the IRS and the Texas Secretary of State. At its October 25 meeting, Council formally approved Fiscal Year 2023 funding for the following organizations:

  • Addison Arbor Foundation: $65,000
  • Metrocrest Services: $82,650
  • Dallas Cat Lady: $5,000
  • Metrocare Services: $2,500
  • Outcry Theatre: $2,500
  • Woven Health Clinic: $5,000
  • WaterTower Theatre: $425,000

All the agreements were approved as part of the Consent Agenda, but you can watch the presentations that were made by non-profits as part of the budget process here.

Council also discussed its process for awarding future grants. They reviewed their current procedures, as well as those of area cities. You can watch Council's non-profit grant process discussion here and read the presentation here.