Planning and Zoning Commission Presents Annual Report to Council

Mon 3/6/23
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Planning and Zoning Commission 2022 Cases by Type

In accordance with the Code of Ordinances, Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) Chair Tom Souers presented the Commission's 2022 report to Council at the February 28 City Council meeting. Over the course of eleven regular meetings, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed 34 cases including 13 rezoning and development plan requests, 12 Special Use Permit requests, 8 plats and one long range planning policy (Midway South Special Area Study). The caseload this year was up 36% over last year.

The Commission addressed more technically challenging proposals than it has seen in recent years. This included review and action on the Midway South Special Area Study, as well as several rezoning requests within that study area, which included the Cobalt Homes townhome development and the AMLI Treehouse mixed residential development. The Commission also reviewed and took action on several complex reuse and infill projects in Village on the Parkway, leading to new restaurant, entertainment, office, and retail space in the center. 

You can watch Council's Planning and Zoning Commission discussion here and read the report here.