Addison Citizen Survey Hits Homes

Mon 1/3/22
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Addison has engaged ETC Institute to complete a new citizen satisfaction survey. The last citizen survey was completed in 2018. ETC Institute has mailed the survey and a cover letter (on Town letterhead) to a random sample of households in Addison. These households are picked based on geographical locations to equally represent the Town and return statistically significant results. Residents who received the survey will have the option of returning the printed survey by mail in a postage-paid envelope or completing it online.
If you are one of the residents who received the survey, we encourage you to invest a few minutes in your responses. Your responses will help guide many of the decisions that will be made about the Town's future.
If you did not receive the survey, but would like to share your input with the Town, please contact Administrative Services Director Bill Hawley by phone at 972-450-7016 or by email at and indicate if you would prefer the survey emailed or mailed. The results from these surveys will be manually compiled in a separate report for Council and Town staff. Respondents' personal information will remain confidential, just like with the formal survey. 
If you have any questions, please contact Bill Hawley at