New Utility Rates Reflected on November Bill

Tue 11/16/21
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On January 23, 2018, Council adopted new utility rates as set forth in the financial plan and utility rate model created by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. The new adjustments consist of the following proposed increases to water and sewer rates over a five-year period:
  • Fiscal Year 2019: 8%
  • Fiscal Year 2020: 6.5%
  • Fiscal Year 2021: 6%
  • Fiscal Year 2022: 2.5%
  • Fiscal Year 2023: 5%
Staff reviews the utility rate model on an annual basis to ensure the rate adjustments are necessary to meet funding needs. The 2.5% increase for Fiscal Year 2022 was approved by Council at their September 14 meeting.
The stormwater fees are scheduled to increase 4.3%. This increase by ordinance is passed through to the customer. However, fees for trash and recycling will remain the same, since there was no change in CWD fees charged to the Town for these services.
All of these new fees went into effect on October 1 and will appear on the utility bill residents will receive in November. The average customer will see a 2% (or $ 1.78 per month) increase in their bill (rates vary based on usage). For more details on utility rates, please visit the Town's website.