Traditional Finances

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The Traditional Finances page contains information required by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts to qualify for the Comptroller's Transparency Stars program. Addison's Finance Department is committed to providing our citizens with a transparent view of the Town's finances. 

Revenue and expenditure totals reported below include all the Town’s governmental and business-type activities.  This information can be found in the Statement of Activities in the Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.


Summary Information – Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2023:

Data is presented for the most recently completed, audited fiscal year:


Fiscal Year 2023

Per Capita







   Property Taxes



   Sales Taxes










Total FTE Positions                                   306.0


Terminology/Description of Summary Information

Government-wide:  Revenues and expenditures totals reported include all the Town’s governmental and business-type activities.  This information can be found in the Statement of Activities in the Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Property Taxes:  The total amount of property tax revenue reported in the Statement of Activities in the Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Sales Taxes:  The total amount of sales tax revenue reported in the Statement of Activities in the Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.

Per Capita:  The information in this column equals the amount of each category divided by the population.  The population of 17,720 used in this calculation is from the North Central Texas Council of Governments’ estimates for 2023.

FTE Positions:  Number of full-time equivalent employees for the most recent fiscal year.

Fiscal Year:  The Town’s Fiscal Year is from October 1 to September 30.



Addison, Texas:  Revenues and Expenditures per Capita, Fiscal 2019-2023



Addison, Texas: Property Tax Rate per $100 Valuation, Fiscal 2019-2023

Click here to download the Town of Addison’s FY 2023-24 Raw Budget




Additional Financial Information is available online. Please note: Check Registers can be located on the Town's Financial Transparency Portal.