Did You Receive a Notification During Sunday's Storm?

Fri 10/25/19
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Addison Alert

On Sunday, October 20, Addison sounded its emergency outdoor sirens in response to a Tornado Warning that was issued by the National Weather Service at 9pm. The purpose of the Town's six outdoor sirens, which were recently replaced, is to notify people who are outdoors that something life-threatening is happening and that they should go indoors to get more information. You can also watch this NBC 5 segment to learn more about how outdoor warning sirens work. Addison's sirens are tested on the first Wednesday of every month at 1pm, but will not be tested audibly if the sky is overcast or there is threatening weather in the area. The next test is scheduled for November 6 at 1pm.

If a resident would like to be notified of a weather emergency in their home by phone, text, or email, they can register for alerts through Addison Alert. Remember, if we can't reach you, we can't alert you! The Addison Fire Department encourages all residents to sign up for Addison Alerts!