Preparing for Inclement Weather

Fri 1/10/20
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Hello winter

Although we haven't experienced much cold weather yet, we know it's coming. Our Fire and Parks and Recreation Departments have a few housekeeping requests for residents and businesses while the weather is still relatively mild:

Sprinklers: Please make sure that your freeze sensors on your sprinklers are functioning or turn your sprinklers off when temperatures are forecasted to slip below freezing. Overspray from sprinkler systems can cause significant traffic issues when the water freezes on roads.

Tree Trimming: The low hanging branches of the trees on your property impede the Town’s emergency vehicles, especially when ice weighs them down. Fire apparatus require a clearance of 14 feet which is why Addison’s code requires all residential and commercial trees to be trimmed at least 14 feet above the roadways. Please help the Addison Fire Department improve access to your neighborhood by making sure your trees along the street are trimmed.

Road Closures: In the event of inclement weather, remember to check our website at for any street or office closures.