New Outdoor Fitness Station to Move to Vitruvian Park

Fri 3/11/22
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Outdoor Fitness Station
On September 14, 2021, the City Council approved the purchase of Outdoor Fitness Court equipment and a resolution confirming acceptance of a $25,000 grant from the 2021 National Fitness Campaign Grant Program to go towards the purchase. In response to concerns voiced by residents, Council discussed the location of the fitness station, which was originally slated to be installed at Les Lacs Park near the parking lot, at its February 8 meeting. At that time, Council asked staff to research other potential locations around Town.
The City Council adopted a Parks Recreation and Open Space Plan (PROS) plan in April of 2019. The plan was derived from an extensive public input process which included a special project committee, one-on-one interviews, pop-up intercepts, Maptionnaire questionnaire, and a community survey. During the PROS input process, active recreation was identified as a top priority of Addison residents.
Based on recommendations in the PROS plan, the Addison Bond Advisory Committee, which consisted of 28 Addison residents and business owners, included an outdoor fitness court adjacent to Les Lacs Park and the Beltway / Arapaho Connector Trail as part of the Park, Open Space, and Recreation Facilities Proposition (Proposition C) in the November 2019 Bond Election. Voters approved that Proposition 68% to 32%.
At the March 8 Council meeting, Parks and Recreation Director Janna Tidwell shared two additional possible locations for the fitness station, one at Les Lacs Park adjacent to the volleyball court and another one at Vitruvian Park. Council directed staff to move forward with installing the fitness court at the Vitruvian Park location.