Equipment Failures and Flooding Issues Continue to Impact Addison Circle Park Fountains

Fri 6/14/24
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6/17 UPDATE:  The splash pads are operational!!


In late April the interactive fountain at Addison Circle Park was down. After troubleshooting the system, staff identified the parts that needed to be replaced. We immediately ordered the parts but there was a lead time to manufacture and ship them. Once received, we installed the parts and the fountain would still not operate. We discovered that the program that operates the fountain was missing information and requested the manufacturer send a new drive with the program. When the program was received we were able to get the fountain running, did some routine maintenance to clean the canisters, and had the fountains operational until they had to be shut down for Taste Addison.

A few days prior to Taste, the Town experienced a significant storm event which caused abnormal ponding in the area due to the amount of rain and the vault that houses all of the equipment began to intake water. This typically is not an issue because sump pumps are in the vault for this reason. However, the water entering the vault was pouring over the equipment that controls and operates the fountain and this equipment became non-operational. We ordered and installed replacement parts but the fountain will still not turn on. We have been troubleshooting the issues with the manufacturer via Facetime and have not been able to identify the problem. A fountain tech that represents the equipment manufacturer is scheduled to troubleshoot the issues on Monday, June 17th. This visit should identify the problem but will most likely require additional parts to be ordered and replaced. Parks Staff is working diligently to get the fountain turned back on. 

Thank you for your continued patience!