Community Garden Plot Request Application

community gardenThere are 42 plots available for lease by Addison residents.

Location and Participation

The Addison community garden is located on Beltway Road on the west side of the Addison Athletic Club property.

The Community Garden has been well received by our residents.  Plot leases are available only to Town of Addison residents on a calendar year basis for a fee (currently $125) and can be renewed annually.  Most new plot assignments are made in January but occasionally plots become available during the year. 

All plots are currently leased. We encourage anyone interested in participating in the Community Garden to fill out an application form so you can be placed on the waitlist.  New plot leases are assigned based on availability on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If you are interested in a plot, please fill out the application form below.  Once your application is approved and you are assigned a plot, you will be sent a link to fill out and submit a Plot Lease Agreement and Release of All Claims form.  These forms, along with your payment, must be received before your plot lease is effective.   In order to establish Addison residency, we also require that all lessees be a member of the Addison Athletic Club.

Garden Plot Preference
A Standard Garden Plot size is 4' x 20' x 16 and a Raised Plot size is 4' x 12' x 30'