Council Amends Parks and Recreation Ordinance to Allow for Park Use Permit

Wed 12/22/21
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At its December 14 meeting, the City Council approved several amendments to the Parks and Recreation Ordinance that will help to facilitate a Park Use Permit, update definitions in the Ordinance, and add clarifications to help with the general implementation of the Ordinance. Below is a chart of changes for the Park Use Permit:

Parks Permit Overview

Also, Section 58-43 Group Gatherings was added to the Ordinance and following definitions have been added to help facilitate the Park Use Permit:

  • Adopted Plan - Refers to the Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan which was adopted in April 2019.
  • Neighborhood Gathering - An event produced by a community-based Homeowner's Association (HOA) or neighborhood group for the benefit of their members and does not require use of parking.
  • Park Use Permit - A permit that is issued by the Department of Parks and Recreation and upon application and approval for group gatherings or neighborhood gatherings of more than 20 but less than 100 people. 
  • Park Property - Any park, athletic facility, reservation, playground, recreation center, or any other areas in the Town, owned or used by the Town and devoted to active or passive recreation, but is not acquired or designated by the Town for use as a public park. Park Properties are identified in the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. The Plan also classifies parks in the following categories: Destination Park, Community Facility, Urban Park, Neighborhood Park, and Greenbelt Trail.   
The following definitions have been added to help facilitate or clarify current Park and Recreation Practices:
  • Dependent - An individual to a primary membership account at the Addison Athletic Club. The primary member is the legal guardian of the dependent.
  • League Play - An organized group of people that regularly practice and/or play an organized sport.
  • Organized Sport - Any game, competition, or practice which is played by three or more persons and is carried out under an agreed set of rules.
  • Fitness Training - Fitness instruction for compensation of one or more persons either by an individually paid trainer or a trainer employed by a for-profit entity.
Section 58-36 Vending and Peddling Prohibited was also clarified to add the bolded items in the text below:
  • No person on Park Property shall expose or offer for sale any article, service or thing, nor shall they station or place any stand, cart, or vehicle for the transportation, sale or display of any such article or thing. No fitness instructor or fitness training is allowed on Park Properties unless the fitness instructor or fitness group has applied for and been approved by the Department of Parks and Recreation as an outdoor vendor. Concessionaires acting by and under the express written authority and regulation of the Director are excepted.
Section 58-41 Games was clarified to add the bolded items in the text below:
  • No person on Park Property shall take part in any games involving thrown or otherwise propelled objects, including but not limited to golf balls, stones, arrows, javelins, or model airplanes, except in areas specifically designated for such forms of recreation. The playing of rough or comparatively dangerous games, including but not limited to football, baseball, soccer, hockey, or any other Organized Sport is prohibited except on the fields and courts or areas specifically designated for such games.
  • League Play is prohibited on all Park Property except for those League Play that have applied for and been approved by the Department of Parks and Recreation. Any approved League Play must abide by all rules and regulations of the Department of Parks and Recreation, including but not limited to, days of League Play, time of League Play, and any insurance requirements. Approved League Play is only permitted on Park Property specifically designated for Organized Sports. Per Addison’s License Agreement with Dallas Independent School District (DISD), Addison may not facilitate League Play at Bush Elementary.
Article III Addison Athletic Club and Trinity Christian Athletic Complex was edited to eliminate the reference to Trinity Christian Athletic Complex.  
Section 58-66 Use Restricted to Members and Guests was edited to add "or legal guardian" following the reference to a parent and "guardianship documents" was added as an item that might be requested to establish age and guardianship of dependents.