Council Approves Contract with Dean Electric, Inc. for Vitruvian Park Outdoor Fitness Court Slab

Tue 5/30/23
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Fitness Court Rendering

In September 2021, the City Council approved a Resolution authorizing the purchase of Outdoor Fitness Court equipment with the intent of installing the equipment at Les Lacs Park. Based on resident input and Council direction, the location of the Outdoor Fitness Court was changed to Vitruvian Park. At its May 23 meeting, the City Council approved a contract for approximately $235,000 with Dean Electric, Inc. for the slab foundation for the new Fitness Court.


The change to a new location necessitated amendments to the professional service agreements for the fitness court slab design and other engineering aspects of the project. The discovery of the unclassified fill at the new site requires the use of helical piers under the fitness court slab in lieu of a traditional slab on grade.


The helical piers and other factors associated with the new location increased the cost of the project. The additional services required for the Vitruvian Park location have exhausted the available bond funds to construct the fitness court slab so the project will be funded by an end-of-year budget amendment from Self-Funded Project Funds. Barring any weather delays, the project is expected to be completed by early October.


You can watch the Council's Outdoor Fitness Court discussion here and read the presentation here.