Parks Clean Up Kits Now Available

Bucket with trash grabberAre you interested in helping keep Addison's Parks and green spaces clean? The Parks and Recreation Department is making do-it-yourself clean-up kits available to check out for a five-day period.  The kits, which are available at the Addison Athletic Club, include:

  • Trash can liner
  • 2 Trash grabbers
  • 2 Safety Vest (fit size S-XL)
  • 2 Pairs of disposable gloves
  • 2 Disposables masks
  • 1-2oz hand sanitizer
  • Trash pick-up tips

Each kit will also come with instructions and suggested clean up areas.  When you return the non-disposable equipment, we ask that you let us know where you cleaned up.  In order to check out the equipment, please fill out the information below

Thank you for helping keep Addison’s Parks, Trails and Open Spaces clean. 

Athletic Club staff will notify you when your reservation has been confirmed.
Will you have a minor participating in your clean up group? *
Waiver for Guardians of Participating Minors *
I understand that I am responsible for any above named minors during their volunteer work with the Town of Addison. I agree to accompany them to the event to volunteer.
Waiver *
I understand that I am volunteering to the Town and in turn the Town is providing materials to help with my efforts. With these rights, I hereby release the Town of Addison and all its employees, sponsors and agents from any and all claims, liabilities and/or damages which may now or in the future arise by reason of such use. Further, I acknowledge that I am/are aware of the risks associated with the my participation and on my behalf and that of my heirs’, do hereby release the Town of Addison and all its employees, sponsors and agents, from all claims, liabilities and/or damages on account of any personal injury or property damage which may occur from any cause before, during or after my participation.