"Do Your Doody" and Pick Up After Your Pet

Fri 12/13/19
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It's your doody poster

It's a fallacy that pet waste fertilizes the ground or that it will magically disappear (that's the work of our efficient parks crews!). In reality, animal feces that are improperly disposed of can be picked up by stormwater runoff and carried into storm drains or nearby water resources and present health risks to adults, children, and other pets. Addison provides pet waste dispensers - complete with bags - in all of its parks to make clean up as easy as possible.
The Town receives a substantial number of complaints about pet waste in our parks, specifically Addison Circle Park. This problem poses a real public health issue, not to mention that it is against the law and violators can be fined up to $500. 

Please be a responsible pet owner, "Do Your Doody" and clean up after your pet.