Notify the Addison Parks Department for Night Herons and Cattle Egrets Sighting in Your Neighborhood

Wed 5/8/19
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Cattle Eggrets

Next time you visit Town Hall, you may hear some peculiar noises coming from the back yard. These are the recorded sounds of Heron stress calls, which will sound intermittently between 10am and 6pm, and are intended to discourage Night Herons from nesting. We have spotted several Night Herons along the creek behind Town Hall. These birds have been referred to as nesting site scouts and often arrive ahead of Cattle Egrets.

Cattle Egrets are known to establish large nesting sites. These sites can serve as a home for thousands of birds for several months between spring and early fall. The noise, odor, and ecological impact caused by the concentration of birds at a site can overwhelm a neighborhood or park. Once established, the birds are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and nothing can be done to disturb them.

If you see Night Herons or Cattle Egrets in your neighborhood, please immediately notify the Addison Parks Department at 972-450-2851. It is important to act swiftly to prevent them from establishing a large nesting site in an undesirable location.