Pickleball Courts to Close on June 24 for 5 Weeks for Shade Structure Construction

Mon 6/24/24
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Pickleball Court Shade Structure

The City Council approved a shade structure over the Les Lacs Park pickleball courts as part of the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Engineering for the shade structure is complete and a permit has been issued for construction.

Beginning Monday, June 24, those courts will be closed to the public to begin construction which will last approximately five weeks. The new shade structure will help mitigate the east-to-west orientation of the courts and will include new lighting as a part of the project. Once the shade structure installation is complete, all three courts will be resurfaced and restriped.

We greatly appreciate your patience while these much needed improvements are being completed. For additional information, please contact the Addison Parks & Recreation Department at 972-450-2851.