Town To Convert Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project into Two Separate Projects to Facilitate Bidding

Mon 4/29/24
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The Les Lacs Pond Improvement project was released for bid in September 2023 with no bid participation. Staff reissued the bid in January of 2024 and received only one bidder who was significantly higher than the consultants’ Opinion of Probable Construction Cost. There are currently numerous projects in the DFW region that are much easier to perform and have much higher gross profit margins

During negotiations with the bidder, all parties determined that the best course of action would be to separate the project into two smaller projects: pond liner replacement and landscaping. At its April 23 meeting, the Council approved an amendment to the Westra Consulting contract for them to develop two sets of plans. This process will take eight weeks to complete.

 Over the next two months, Town staff will continue to negotiate with their single bidder on construction items related to the pond liner, including installing a clay liner and deepening the pond to eight feet. They will also solicit bids for dredging and sediment haul-off from an outside contractor. Once the two sets of plans are developed, the Town will bid the new project which will include all items in the landscape scope. This project will begin once the pond liner project is complete and is anticipated to take six months. 

 You can watch the Council's Les Lacs Pond Improvement Project discussion here and read the presentation here.