Addison Police Chief Recognizes Two Officers

Mon 6/24/19
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During the June 24 Council meeting, Police Chief Paul Spencer awarded certificates of merit to two officers for outstanding service.

The first, Officer Gandy, was involved in a foot pursuit on May 24 in Addison Circle Park which escalated into a critical incident when the suspect pulled two knives and threatened suicide. Officer Gandy spent four hours calming the suspect and negotiating with him and was able to help bring the incident to a peaceful conclusion.

Sergeant Helton was the second officer Chief Spencer recognized. Sergeant Helton was flying home from vacation with his family and noticed an irate, intoxicated passenger shouting at and pushing a flight attendant. The flight attendant’s attempts to calm the passenger were met with more shoving and screaming. Sergeant Helton and a retired Fort Worth officer who was also on the flight attempted to intervene and calm the passenger. Ultimately, they had to use physical force to restrain him. The flight had to make an emergency landing so that the unruly passenger could be removed.

Many thanks to these Addison Police Officers for their outstanding service! You can watch the presentation here.