APD Promotional Ceremony

Tue 1/28/20
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APD promotion

On Tuesday, January 28, the Addison Police Department (APD) held a promotion ceremony at Town Hall to promote three officers. Officers Rivera and Castaneda were promoted to Sergeant and Officer Smetzer was promoted to Lieutenant.

Sergeant Rivera served in the U.S. Marine Corps and was deployed to the Middle East four times before becoming a civilian contractor teaching military students firearms and tactics. He joined the APD in October 2017.

Sergeant Castaneda began his career in law enforcement with the Dallas Police Department. He was recruited to APD in September 2014.

Lieutenant Smetzer has worked for the Addison Police Department since August 2012 and currently serves as the Support Services Lieutenant. Before working for APD, he spent seven years with the Baylor Health Care System Police Department.

Congratulations to these dedicated officers and thank you for your service to the Town of Addison.