Council Amends Overnight Commercial Vehicle Parking Restrictions in Residential Areas

Mon 7/25/22
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At its July 12 meeting, the City Council approved amendments to the Town’s Parking Ordinance prohibiting the overnight parking of vehicles designed or operated primarily for commercial use within the residential areas of the cityThe revisions include amending the truck capacity limitation, removing the 1-ton capacity, to reflect a maximum allowable dimensional limit of 25 feet in length, 10 feet in height, and 8 feet in width; adding language defining a Personal Business Vehicle; and including a Restricted Parking Map depicting the residential areas to which the residential parking restrictions will be applied.

The revised Ordinance prohibits the following vehicles in any public or private street, highway, alley, driveway, parking lot, on- or off-street parking area depicted on the restricted residential parking area map between the hours of 12am (midnight) and 6am:

  • a box-truck, tow truck, dump-truck, concrete-mixing truck, road tractor, semi tractor, truck tractor, tractor-trailer, semi-trailer, trailer, or similar vehicle;
  • a recreational vehicle; or
  • a motor vehicle, truck, van, bus, or similar vehicle which is more than twenty-five (25) feet in length, eight (8) feet in width, or ten (10) feet in height.

The exceptions to this Ordinance are:

  1. the prohibited vehicle is parked for the purpose of expeditiously loading or unloading passengers, freight, or merchandise;
  2. the prohibited vehicle is located on a public street, alley, or right-of-way and is temporarily disabled (not exceeding 48 hours) and protected by active flares or other approved signal device(s);
  3. the prohibited vehicle is a Personal Business Vehicle, which is defined as a prohibited vehicle that is regularly used as the sole or primary means of transportation by a resident within a residential area to commute to and from the person’s place of employment.; or
  4. the prohibited vehicle is lawfully parked on private property and enclosed in a building or fully concealed from public view by a fence or other lawfully erected opaque structure.

If you have questions about Addison’s revised regulations for overnight commercial parking in residential areas, please contact Police Chief Paul Spencer at

You can watch Council's residential commercial vehicle parking discussion from its June 14 work session here.