Council Discusses Expansion of LPR and Optical Camera Systems

Tue 8/25/20
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Addison Police Chief Paul Spencer presented the findings of the Addison Police Department's License Plate Recognition (LPR) and Optical Camera Pilot Project to Council on May 26, 2020. The report offered observations on lessons learned and discussed the effectiveness of the technology for Addison's public safety efforts. Based on Council direction at that meeting, staff developed preliminary findings for future expansion of the LPR and Optical Camera systems and presented those recommendations to Council at the August 25 Work Session. These findings include LPR expansion into single and multi-family residential areas; addition of LPR into key commercial areas along Belt Line Road; and expansion/consolidation of optical cameras within Town-owned parks and trails.

The next step is for staff to put together Request for Proposals for the LPR Program and the Optical Camera Systems. Based on costs, staff will prioritize options and come forward to Council with recommendations.

You can watch Council's LPR expansion discussion here and read the presentation here.